Wednesday, August 25, 2010

With This Ring, I Thee Wed

Our 10th coupledom anniversary was on August 6th. We do not always buy gifts for our anniversary. I told Lynne the best I thought I could manage this year was a kiss and a "good morning, happy anniversary, where did 10 years go, gotta to run to work, see you later so we can work the event tonight, love you, drive safe, goodbye!" Lynne on the other hand went shopping after working a 17 hr day so I would have a present on our special day. I found it on top of the coffee pot when I got up in the morning. I don't know why, other than I was sleep deprived from not having her home until the wee small hours but I immediately ripped open the gift without even waiting to unwrap it in her presence. I'm a dork, but in my defense I was sleepy, I needed coffee & I like gifts. The present was a ring.

She then stumbled into the kitchen for her morning mocha. With the box in hand, I said, "Are you asking me to marry you?" She said "Yes!" I said "Yes!" The State of Michigan said "No!" We said, "The law be damned!" After working another 17 hr day, we went shopping. We found a similar ring in Lynne's size (she told me she hid it when she bought mine in anticipation that we would be back buying hers). We got home, at 2:30 a.m., I cut off the plastic tag, put the ring on her finger and in our kitchen, among the unwashed dishes and standing on exhausted feet with 2 meowing cats as witnesses - we were wed.

I must say that I immediately liked wearing that ring. I also like looking over and seeing one on her left hand. It makes me feel so, I don't know, connected to her. Its sexy too. Why you ask, I don't know but it is. I also like wearing a ring because I feel like I am in a special club. A club with weird perks - like being called Mrs. Hill at the optometrist's office. I did not correct the person who called me Mrs. Hill because I thought, well, I am wearing a ring on my left hand. If I tell her I am not married, she might say, "You can't wear a ring on your left hand if you're not married. The ring police will give you a citation. Do you want a citation? Then you'll need to appear before The Preservation of Family Values Committee. They don't mess around. They'll run you right out of the country and have to live with all the other gay people - in Canada."

I am not sure why we did not do this sooner. Well, probably because I am the one in the relationship who always worries if its going to last. Lynne believes we will last through the end time - see opposites do attract. I think I have also really come to understand that the differences that pull us apart are the same things that bind us together like glue. So, whether the government thinks its legal or not, I "wed" the woman I love & we shall live our lives like everyone else in this world - together with days of joy & happiness and days where we will be pouting in different rooms of the house because we are mad as hell at each other. In other words - a "normal couple."